Important Information

To all existing/potential clients - If you are NOT comfortable with us taking care of your cat(s)/home or with the terms of our contract, you are NOT obliged to use our services – we aren’t always able to meet everyone’s specifications and sometimes it simply isn’t a good match! You must inform us as soon as possible of this and we will do the same if we feel unable to provide the level of care you have requested.

For cats with access to outside - We CANNOT be held responsible for your cat going missing or not returning home as usual (for example if they are to be kept indoors at night) - Unfortunately we cannot schedule extra time on top of your booking to wait for your cat to return as we often have other visits to attend to.

Visit times - We cannot provide visits at ‘set’ times - these are reserved for cats requiring time sensitive medication administration (eg. Insulin). Visit times are also dependant on shift work/other employment, personal commitments and location/timings of other bookings. Morning visits take place between 6am-11:30am, Afternoon visits between 12pm and 3pm and evenings between 4pm and 10pm.

Visit Duration - We will always visit your cat and stay for the period of time you have requested (ie. 30 or 60 minutes) - However, as above, we may sometimes need to split the times differently. For example, if you have TWO x 1 hour visits booked (am/pm), we may need to do a 30 minute visit in the morning and a 90 minute visit in the evening or vice versa - Your cat will still have the full amount of time you have requested regardless! In extreme cases, if it is not possible for us to fulfil this, you will be informed and the time made up the following day or when next possible.

Booking notice - Please give as much notice as possible for bookings to avoid disappointment. We will always do our best to accommodate last minute requests, but unfortunately it's not always possible, especially during the busier holiday periods! Bear in mind Nicola is a practising Veterinary Nurse working shifts and we each have other personal commitments, so we're limited as to how many bookings we can schedule per day. Our longer duration than standard visits ensure each visit is not rushed and each cat gets all their needs met, which also means we only have so many spaces available each day. Quality over quantity!

Cat food/litter/medication - If the situation were to arise where any of these were to run out for the duration of our booking, we will inform you and collect and pay for the items for you- This WILL incur an additional charge of £20 as well as the cost of your items.

Vet visits/transportation of your cat to their registered vets - Additional charge of £30

Please note the cost of any treatment/service includes travel to and from your home.

Visits greater than 3 miles from our catchment area will incur an additional fuel surcharge (To be discussed prior to making a booking)

A 50% deposit of the total cost of your reservation is required at the time of booking (or at least 28 days prior to your booking commencing) via cash or bank transfer

The remainder of the total cost agreed upon is to be paid on the day of the booking/treatment commencement via cash or bank transfer

If you cancel your booking with less than 7 days notice of the commencement date, the deposit shall not be refunded unless in extreme circumstances

We reserve the right to cancel the booking for any reason up to 7 days of the booking commencement date – The deposit will be refunded to you in these circumstances.

IMPORTANT - Effective from January 2024 - We will be requesting a 50% deposit of the total cost of your reservation at the time of booking or at least 28 days prior to your booking commencing as previously - We will then require the remainder of this to be paid on the day of the booking commencing . We have made this decision due to receiving late payments or sadly, in some cases, no payment at all for our services. As a small business we have to protect ourselves and feel this is a necessary step in doing so. Thankyou for your understanding!

For grooming and medication visits with Nicola -

I am not a veterinary surgeon nor am I a substitute for consulting your own vet – I am a Registered Veterinary Nurse, therefore I cannot legally diagnose or prescribe medication or treatments. I can however administer prescribed treatments, make suggestions and put you in contact with a veterinary surgeon if necessary.

  • Please note that your cat must be under the care of a Veterinary Surgeon and the medication to be administered must be supplied by them, including clear labelling, instructions and dosage requirements.

  • I will immediately cease any treatment I am performing if your cat becomes extremely stressed or I suspect injury may occur - they may require a form of sedation (to be prescribed and administered by your registered Vet.) Your cats health and happiness is my absolute priority as well as our safety!

  • I have full pet business insurance with Petplan Sanctuary which includes Public Liability and Public Indemnity, plus business cover within my car insurance should I be required to transport your cat to your registered vets.


For each booking the sitter(s) agree(s):

  • To ensure the good health, cleanliness, comfort, safety and happiness of the cat(s) covered by this agreement

  • To provide conscientious care for the cat(s) entrusted to us and place their welfare above other business considerations

  • To provide food, water, medication (if applicable), a clean environment and enrichment required for your cat(s) well-being as discussed previously

  • To make every reasonable effort to contact the owner in case of an emergency with their cat(s) or their house, and to keep owners informed throughout

  • To liaise with the owners registered Veterinary Clinic and transport your cat(s) to the clinic in case of emergency or when urgent treatment is required

  • To ensure that reasonable security measures are used in safeguarding the property and contents as instructed

  • To maintain the premises, keeping them clean and tidy as per the homeowners' instructions

  • To treat the house and owners belongings with the utmost respect

  • To deal with household waste as directed by the homeowner

  • Not to cause or allow any damage to the premises or its contents

  • That it shall only be either Nicola Cook or Siobhan Oxley that enter the property to perform the agreed upon duties

  • To visit in the requested time of day and for the agreed time frame requested

    The client/homeowner must agree:

  • To provide the sitter with sufficient cat food, medication and sundries for the duration of care agreed upon

  • To provide a cat carrier for transporting your cat to their registered vets in an emergency

  • To give consent to the sitter to act as a representative of your cat(s) to obtain Veterinary treatment in case of an emergency or urgent treatment requirement. (Any Veterinary treatment costs incurred are to be settled/reimbursed to the sitter upon your return)

  • To provide the sitter with a working set of keys for the premises and information regarding security of the house

  • To inform their registered vets of the dates when the sitter will be responsible for their cat(s)’ care and pass on our contact information

  • To inform neighbours, friends and family of the dates that you will be having a sitter visit your home to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings (as appropriate)

  • To inform the sitter of your departure and arrival time and date

  • To provide the sitter with at least 7 days notice of any amendments to dates or times as agreed or if you wish to cancel the booking

  • To pay the sitter 50% of the total agreed upon fee at the time of booking or at least 28 days in advance of the booking commencing, the remainder on commencement of the care and services agreed, either via cash or bank transfer

    Please note that where possible, the same sitter will attend for the entirety of your booking as agreed – however, in case of illness, other personal commitments or unforeseen circumstances we cannot always guarantee this. This will be communicated to you should this situation arise.

Client preparation checklist

  • Inform neighbours, friends and family of your absence (as applicable/appropriate)

  • Inform your vet that we will be responsible for your cat(s) care whilst you are away and pass on our contact details

  • Ensure you have our contact details with you

  • Clean and tidy all surfaces – Glasses, cups and silverware put away (nothing that can cause injury if knocked over by your kitty!)

  • Move toxic food, plants or items such as medication out of paws reach

  • Dirty dishes cleaned and put away

  • Bins emptied into outside bins

  • Ensure stove/oven turned off so there are no hot surfaces

  • Fridge emptied of any food that will spoil

  • Appliances switched off/unplugged if not required

  • Set any timers as desired (eg. for lights, heating, automatic food dispensers)

  • Thermostat adjusted to your preferred temperature

  • All doors/windows locked

  • Fresh bedding/towels provided (for overnight stays)

  • All off-limit areas have their doors closed

  • Electronic cat flaps checked and new batteries if needed

  • Ensure the spare key you are leaving is in working order

  • Ensure there are toys and grooming equipment out ready for use

  • Check there is enough cat food, treats, medication and litter (as applicable) for the duration of your booking

  • Inform us where your cat carrier is/leave out in case it is required

  • Check there are enough cleaning products and bin bags etc available

  • Cat(s) inside for when I arrive (let me know if they are out!)

  • Inform us if there are any changes to your cats health (for example, any unusual behaviour, injuries, reduced appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing or sneezing)

  • Any last minute instructions communicated to me

  • 50% Deposit paid at time of booking, or at least 28 days in advance of the booking, the remainder on the booking commencement date either via cash or bank transfer